Product Description
Retrofit Applications: Previous generation LXME controllers can be upgraded with LXME2 hardware
- Cabinet - LXME era cabinets (chassis) are compatible with LXME2 hardware and do not need to be upgraded
- Faceplate - LXME faceplate can be swapped with an LXME2 faceplate (LXME2FP)
- 12 Station Modules (ESP-LXM-SM12) - Existing wiring to 12 station modules can remain unchanged
- 4 & 8 Station Modules - Not supported (replace with ESP-LXM-SM12)
- Base Module (BM2-LXME) - Is compatible with the LXME2
- Flow Smart Module (FSM-LXME) - Not supported (replace with PSM-LXME2)
- Flow Smart IQ Connection Module (IQ-FSCMLXME) - Not supported (replace with IQ-PSCMLXME2).
- 6 Pin Remotes - Not compatible with LXME2
This is the front face panel only.
Compatibillity Details
Expansion Block: Only compatible with 12 -Station expansion cartridges. 8 - Station cartridges must be changed at the time of upgrade
Flow Sensors: If you are using a Flow Sensor you will need change the base module.